Where are we heading? It is still a few years until the Alte Oper can celebrate a double anniversary. In 2030, the building will be 150 years old as a former opera house; in addition, 2031 will be the 50th anniversary of its reopening as the "Alte Oper". Instead of planning a pompous celebration, we are asking ourselves urgent questions: What will the concert hall of the future look like? How will we reach our audience in the future? How do we create new approaches to music and new listening experiences? Already now we would like to give you a glimpse of what the Alte Oper House of the Future might look like.
New concert formats
With innovative concert formats, the Alte Oper would like to offer audiences new musical experiences, activate "listening", seek creative dialogue with other art forms, link classical music to the urban present. Space for this has already been created in the "Fratopia" festival: It is open to visitors with an all-day, low-threshold programme, and admission is free.
Cultural participation
The "House of the Future Alte Oper" is not an aloof temple of the arts. Rather, all the people of the city, with their different biographies, possibilities and preferences, should find themselves reflected in the programme of our house. Even, and perhaps even more so, those who have so far known the Alte Oper more from the outside. Come and see us: as a newcomer to a concert, as a musician, in the lunch break or in the evening.
A new connection to you
Our core business remains analogue without a doubt! There is no substitute for the immediate concert experience, directly and on the spot into the ear. But in the future, we would like to connect with you digitally more than ever before. You can already take advantage of our digital music mediation services, such as our post-listening/re-reading mailings for individual concert series or the cinematic reviews of the salons.
Experience Alte Oper in the city
In the "House of the Future", the Alte Oper connects with the city in a new way, has an effect on the city and reaches out to the people. Examples are projects such as "Alte Oper Inside Out" with the broadcasting of a concert from inside to the opera square or the "Auswärtsspiel". In the future, we want to intensify our relationship work with individual (international) communities and address pupils, senior citizens, migrants or volunteers as representatives of the plural city society.
We would like to thank the Aventis Foundation for supporting the transformation process into the Future House.